


阅读:46 发布日期:2024-08-13 09:26:28





  托福口语有三项考查标准,分别是:Delivery(表述能力)、Language Use(语言运用)、Topic Development(话题展开)。










  2、 回答长短句的使用




  3、 构建自己的答题模板


  Template: Question 1


  “In my opinion, I firmly believe that…”

  First Reason:

  “First and foremost, it is imperative to acknowledge that…”

  “For instance, one compelling example that illustrates this is…”

  Second Reason:

  “Moreover, it is essential to consider…”

  ·Useful Vocabulary for Question 1·

  1、To Express your opinion, you can say:

  ①“From my perspective, I am of the opinion that…”

  ②“Based on my experience, I am inclined to believe that…”

  ③“In my view, I hold the belief that…”

  ④“I am convinced that…”

  ⑤“From my standpoint, I maintain that…”

  ⑥“In my view…..”

  ⑦“It is my belief that…”

  ⑧“In my assessment, I strongly believe that…”









  2、To introduce reason 1, you can say:

  ①“To begin with, it is crucial to recognize that…”

  ②“To start with, it should be noted that…”

  ③“One primary reason for this stance is…”

  ④“An initial reason for this assertion is…”

  ⑤“Firstly and most importantly, it is essential to recognize that…”

  ⑥“A key factor to consider is…”

  ⑦“An essential aspect to consider is…”








  3、To introduce an example for reason 1, you can say:

  “For instance,…”

  “An example of this is…”

  “To illustrate,…”

  “Consider, for instance,…”

  “One case in point is…”

  “For example,…”

  “One example of this is…”

  “To provide an example,…”

  “As an illustration,…”

  “Take, for example,…”

  “To illustrate,…”

  “To give an illustration,…”

  “An illustration of this is…”

  “Consider the following illustration:…”

  “To demonstrate,…”

  “To provide an example,…”

  “To offer an example,…”

  “An example to consider is…”

  “As an example,…”

  “To present an example:…”

  “To give an example,…”

  “As a demonstration,…”

  “As an example,…”

  “An instance of this is…”

  “To show, for example,…”

  To introduce reason 2, you can say:

  “Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that…”

  Certainly! Here are five more words to express additional points or reasons:




  “In addition,…”

  “Furthermore, it is worth noting that…”




  “In addition,…”

  “Furthermore, it is important to consider…”




  “In addition,…”

  “Additionally, it should be mentioned that…”




  “In addition,…”

  “Furthermore, it is crucial to emphasize…”




  “In addition,…”

  “Additionally, it is important to note that…”

  Template: Question 2


  “According to the announcement/article/letter…”

  Reasons from Reading

  “This is because ___ and ___.”


  “The man/woman opposes this.”

  “The man/woman supports this.”

  “The man/woman has a mixed opinion of this.”

  First Reason

  “To begin with, he/she points out that…”

  Second Reason

  “Moreover, he/she argues that…”

  Useful Vocabulary for Question 2

  To express the main point of the reading:

  ①“According to the report…”

  ②“As stated in the document…”

  ③“In the article, it is mentioned that…”

  ④“The announcement reveals that…”

  ⑤“The letter indicates that…”






  To express the reasons from the reading:

  ①“This is because it saves time and money.”

  ②“This is because it promotes sustainability and environmental conservation.”

  ③“This is because it enhances efficiency and productivity.”

  ④“This is because it fosters innovation and creativity.”

  ⑤“This is because it improves accessibility and inclusivity.”






  Transitions to use:

  ①“The man opposes this idea vehemently.”

  ②“The woman supports this argument wholeheartedly.”

  ③“The man has a mixed opinion of this proposal.”

  ④“The woman disagrees with this assertion strongly.”

  ⑤“The man concurs with this perspective completely.”






  To express the first reason:

  ①“To begin with, he emphasizes the importance of environmental protection.”

  ②“Firstly, she highlights the significance of investing in education.”

  ③“One primary reason is his concern for social justice and equality.”

  ④“To start with, the author discusses the benefits of renewable energy.”

  ⑤“First and foremost, he underscores the need for healthcare reform.”

  To express the second reason:

  ①“Moreover, she argues that technological advancements can address societal challenges.”

  ②“Furthermore, he asserts that cultural exchange promotes mutual understanding.”

  ③“Additionally, she contends that economic growth should prioritize sustainability.”

  ④“Moreover, he posits that globalization facilitates cultural exchange and cooperation.”

  ⑤“Furthermore, she suggests that investing in infrastructure will spur economic development.”






  Template: Question 3

  According to the reading, topic is defined as topic definition. In the lecture, the professor delves deeper into this subject by providing an example of/two examples of topic.

  To start, the lecturer explains that [first example of topic. He/She goes on to say [second example of topic.

  Now, check out this sample response using the template above:

  According to the reading, sustainable agriculture is defined as the practice of farming using principles that aim to conserve the environment, maintain soil fertility, and support the well-being of farmers and communities.

  In the lecture, the professor delves deeper into this subject by providing an example of crop rotation.

  To start, the lecturer explains that crop rotation involves planting different crops in the same area over a sequence of growing seasons to improve soil health and prevent pest and disease buildup. He goes on to say that another example of sustainable agriculture is the use of integrated pest management techniques.

  Useful Vocabulary to Answer Question 3:


  ①“The reading sheds light on…”

  ②“The passage discusses…”

  ③“The article examines…”

  ④“The text explores the concept of…”

  ⑤“The document presents insights into…”







  ①“During the lecture, the professor expands upon…”

  ②“In the lecture, the speaker elaborates on…”

  ③“Throughout the lecture, the instructor delves into…”

  ④“In the talk, the lecturer provides further insights into…”

  ⑤“The lecture offers a deeper analysis of…”







  “To begin with, the speaker illustrates…”


  “The first point addressed in the lecture is…”

  “The lecturer starts by discussing…”

  “One aspect highlighted in the lecture is…”

  “The initial example provided by the lecturer is…”





  Template: Question 4

  ①“The professor in the lecture is talking about……….”

  ②“First, the professor talks about…….”

  ③“Then, he mentions the …….”


  “讲座上教授正在讲………… ”




  Useful Vocabulary for Question 4


  ①“The professor in the lecture is addressing…”

  ②“In the lecture, the topic of discussion is…”

  ③“The focus of the lecture is on…”

  ④“The main subject of the lecture revolves around…”

  ⑤“The central theme of the lecture is…”







  ① “First, the professor discusses…”

  ② “To begin with, the lecturer examines…”

  ③“The first aspect covered in the lecture is…”

  ④“Initially, the speaker elaborates on…”

  ⑤“The lecture commences with a discussion on…”







  ①“Then, he mentions the…”

  ②“Following that, the lecturer explores…”

  ③“Moving on, the professor addresses…”

  ④“Subsequently, the speaker delves into…”

  ⑤“Next, the lecture shifts focus to…”







  ①“Finally, the lecturer concludes by…”

  ②“To wrap up, the professor summarizes…”

  ③“In conclusion, the speaker emphasizes…”

  ④“Ultimately, the main takeaway from the lecture is…”

  ⑤“To summarize, the lecturer reiterates…”








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