阅读:396 发布日期:2019-06-14 10:25:59
1. 健康
★ 日常的锻炼防止了很多疾病的产生,例如高血压、心脏病等危险疾病。
★ 素食给人们的健康带来很多益处,例如降低危险疾病发生几率、预防癌症等。
★ 出门旅行,能够缓解压力,释放疲劳
2. 居住地
1) 小城镇
★ 小城镇的生活可以使孩子更加接近自然,有利于他们的健康成长。
★ 小城镇的自然环境对人类更加有益。
★ 小城镇压力小,比如:交通便利,房子便宜
2) 大城市
★ 大城市生活有着更加便利和优越的学习、生活条件;
★ 大城市有更先进的医疗资源;
★ 大城市的工作机会多,工作福利全面。
3. 旅行
1) 结伴出行
★ 结伴出游时不会感到寂寞。
★ 结伴出游有着安全、有趣、舒适等优点。
★ 结伴出行可以与他人分享这些经历。
2) 单独出行
★ 单独出行计划性强
★ 一个人旅行可以学习独立处理问题。
1. 考题出现时间:2015-5-30CN
题目:Some people prefer to solve a challenge all by themselves. Othersprefer to depend on other people's help. Which do you prefer and why? Includedetails and examples in your explanation.
2. 考题出现时间:2016-11-26CN 加场
题目:Do you agree or disagree? It is important to live close to yourfamilies. Please use examples and explanations to support your position.
3. 考题出现时间:2014-11-2CN
题目:Some people prefer to listen to or watch news every day, whileothers prefer to listen to or watch news occasionally. Which way do you preferand why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
4. 考题出现时间:2014-6-29CN
题目:Some people prefer to plan for future, some people prefer toconcentrate on the present and not plan at all.
5. 考题出现时间:2015-12-12CN
题目:If you have a misunderstanding with your friend, do you prefertalking it out in a public place or in a private place?
6. 考题出现时间:2014-12-28CN
题目:When on a trip, some people like to keep a journal and takepictures. Others just look. Which do you prefer and why?
1. 旅行的益处
★ 可以结交更多(志同道合)的朋友;
★ 欣赏到很多的风景;
★ 了解不同的文化和人文风俗。
2. 娱乐
★ 娱乐的条件增多(如娱乐设施、时间等增多);
★ 目的是为了娱乐;
★ 娱乐对人们的好处;
3. 体育锻炼
★ 增强体质,让人能够强身健体;
★ 体育锻炼能够培养人一种不服输的精神;
★ 当和别人一起运动的时候,能够了解团结的重要性;
4. 居住地选择
1) 选择居住比较便宜的地方
★ 这样可以节省开资
★ 节省下来的钱可以用到更需要的地方
2) 选择例亲人近的地方
★ 离亲人近一点能够促进亲人之间的感情;
★ 住在亲人附近方便照顾
3) 选择有超市和餐馆的地方居住
★ 住在超市和餐馆附近,生活会比较方便;
★ 餐馆和超市聚集的地方一般在郊区,那里的物价也比较便宜;
1. 考题出现时间: 2015-3-14CN
题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More andmore people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be othergood ways to spend money.
2. 考题出现时间: 2014-7-6CN
题目: Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physicalactivities that are very different from one's work?
3. 考题出现时间: 2017-3-11CN
题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It's betterto relax by watching a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.